Torrefied Wheat
Torrefied Wheat has long been used by brewers up and down the UK to provide additional head potential on all beer styles. The higher molecular weight proteins and glycoproteins are head positive and also promote mouthfeel. It is especially useful when base malts are particularly low in nitrogen/protein.
Torrefied Wheat has a very slightly grain character to it.
Torrefied Wheat is an unmalted grain that is mildly toasted in a special process resulting in pale, slightly puffed kernels. The starches in Torrefied Wheat are gelatinized, making them available for conversion to simpler sugars without the need for special treatment or mash adjustments. Like other wheat products, Torrefied Wheat has a high protein content and may help improve head retention. Its flavor and aroma are mild with nutty, bread-like character.
Torrefied Wheat has long been used by brewers up and down the UK to provide additional head potential on all beer styles. The higher molecular weight proteins and glycoproteins are head positive and also promote mouthfeel. It is especially useful when base malts are particularly low in nitrogen/protein.
Torrefied Wheat has a very slightly grain character to it.
Torrefied Wheat is an unmalted grain that is mildly toasted in a special process resulting in pale, slightly puffed kernels. The starches in Torrefied Wheat are gelatinized, making them available for conversion to simpler sugars without the need for special treatment or mash adjustments. Like other wheat products, Torrefied Wheat has a high protein content and may help improve head retention. Its flavor and aroma are mild with nutty, bread-like character.
Torrefied Wheat has long been used by brewers up and down the UK to provide additional head potential on all beer styles. The higher molecular weight proteins and glycoproteins are head positive and also promote mouthfeel. It is especially useful when base malts are particularly low in nitrogen/protein.
Torrefied Wheat has a very slightly grain character to it.
Torrefied Wheat is an unmalted grain that is mildly toasted in a special process resulting in pale, slightly puffed kernels. The starches in Torrefied Wheat are gelatinized, making them available for conversion to simpler sugars without the need for special treatment or mash adjustments. Like other wheat products, Torrefied Wheat has a high protein content and may help improve head retention. Its flavor and aroma are mild with nutty, bread-like character.