Brewer's Best® Belgian Tripel One Gallon Beer Kit


The Belgian Tripel Beer Kit makes a robust and flavorful powerhouse. One pound of light Belgian candi sugar results in a high gravity, golden beer with a creamy white head. With plenty of dried malt extract and specialty grains to enhance this beer's complexity, the hops complete this masterpiece by imparting a mild spicy character. You can enjoy this beer again and again. This kit offers all the flavor of a five gallon batch with all the ease of one gallon.

  • IBUs: 24 - 30

  • OG: 1.083 - 1.086

  • FG: 1.017 - 1.020

  • ABV: 8.5% - 9.0%

  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Color: Deep Gold

Click for Recipe


The Belgian Tripel Beer Kit makes a robust and flavorful powerhouse. One pound of light Belgian candi sugar results in a high gravity, golden beer with a creamy white head. With plenty of dried malt extract and specialty grains to enhance this beer's complexity, the hops complete this masterpiece by imparting a mild spicy character. You can enjoy this beer again and again. This kit offers all the flavor of a five gallon batch with all the ease of one gallon.

  • IBUs: 24 - 30

  • OG: 1.083 - 1.086

  • FG: 1.017 - 1.020

  • ABV: 8.5% - 9.0%

  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Color: Deep Gold

Click for Recipe

The Belgian Tripel Beer Kit makes a robust and flavorful powerhouse. One pound of light Belgian candi sugar results in a high gravity, golden beer with a creamy white head. With plenty of dried malt extract and specialty grains to enhance this beer's complexity, the hops complete this masterpiece by imparting a mild spicy character. You can enjoy this beer again and again. This kit offers all the flavor of a five gallon batch with all the ease of one gallon.

  • IBUs: 24 - 30

  • OG: 1.083 - 1.086

  • FG: 1.017 - 1.020

  • ABV: 8.5% - 9.0%

  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Color: Deep Gold

Click for Recipe



Any questions or to order please email or call 207/791-2739


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