750ml Dead Leaf Green Burgundy Bottles
“Burgundy” refers to the shape of the bottle. A Burgundy bottle has sloped “shoulders” and a “pear-shaped” body. The 750ml “Dead Leaf” (Deep Green) Burgundy Punted Wine Bottles are known for high end style. They have a cork finish, sloped shoulders, and a deep pronounced punt.
“Burgundy” refers to the shape of the bottle. A Burgundy bottle has sloped “shoulders” and a “pear-shaped” body. The 750ml “Dead Leaf” (Deep Green) Burgundy Punted Wine Bottles are known for high end style. They have a cork finish, sloped shoulders, and a deep pronounced punt.
“Burgundy” refers to the shape of the bottle. A Burgundy bottle has sloped “shoulders” and a “pear-shaped” body. The 750ml “Dead Leaf” (Deep Green) Burgundy Punted Wine Bottles are known for high end style. They have a cork finish, sloped shoulders, and a deep pronounced punt.