Brown Malt


The next stage up from Amber Malt is Crisp’s Brown Malt. The color is produced in the same manner as Amber but is roasted for that bit longer to give a nutty roast dryness with a light brown hue, perfect for brown ales and milds. 

Remember that when assessing roasted malts, it is the resultant color and flavor of the wort and beer that is important rather than the color of the outer barley husk of the malt in your hand. 

Different varieties of barley may give roasted malts with differing husk color but will produce wort with the expected color and flavor when mashed. 

Tasting Notes

  • Lightly roasted flavor

  • Milky coffee undertones

  • Hints of sweet pastries

Crisp Brown malt is roasted specialty malt. It has a strong, dark-toasted grain flavor, slightly nutty with a hint of bitter chocolate. Brown malt imparts dark amber to light brown hues. It is used in many older English ale styles and is an essential ingredient for traditional porters.

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The next stage up from Amber Malt is Crisp’s Brown Malt. The color is produced in the same manner as Amber but is roasted for that bit longer to give a nutty roast dryness with a light brown hue, perfect for brown ales and milds. 

Remember that when assessing roasted malts, it is the resultant color and flavor of the wort and beer that is important rather than the color of the outer barley husk of the malt in your hand. 

Different varieties of barley may give roasted malts with differing husk color but will produce wort with the expected color and flavor when mashed. 

Tasting Notes

  • Lightly roasted flavor

  • Milky coffee undertones

  • Hints of sweet pastries

Crisp Brown malt is roasted specialty malt. It has a strong, dark-toasted grain flavor, slightly nutty with a hint of bitter chocolate. Brown malt imparts dark amber to light brown hues. It is used in many older English ale styles and is an essential ingredient for traditional porters.

The next stage up from Amber Malt is Crisp’s Brown Malt. The color is produced in the same manner as Amber but is roasted for that bit longer to give a nutty roast dryness with a light brown hue, perfect for brown ales and milds. 

Remember that when assessing roasted malts, it is the resultant color and flavor of the wort and beer that is important rather than the color of the outer barley husk of the malt in your hand. 

Different varieties of barley may give roasted malts with differing husk color but will produce wort with the expected color and flavor when mashed. 

Tasting Notes

  • Lightly roasted flavor

  • Milky coffee undertones

  • Hints of sweet pastries

Crisp Brown malt is roasted specialty malt. It has a strong, dark-toasted grain flavor, slightly nutty with a hint of bitter chocolate. Brown malt imparts dark amber to light brown hues. It is used in many older English ale styles and is an essential ingredient for traditional porters.

Black Malt
Pale Chocolate Malt
Amber Malt