Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)


Chemical name: Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4)

Used in beer making as a water treatment. Gypsum increases hardness and lowers pH. Its use is known to increase the perception of hop flavor compounds in beer. The primary salt used to Burtonize water; Burton water is famous for producing the worlds classic pale ales, such as Bass.

Used in winemaking to lower the pH of the must. As calcium sulfate is not removed from water by boiling, when present, it is referred to as permanent hardness.

Usage varies depending upon your exact water profile. Additions can range significantly based off your water source.

Typical usage for many tap waters: 1-2 tsp. per 5 gallons

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Chemical name: Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4)

Used in beer making as a water treatment. Gypsum increases hardness and lowers pH. Its use is known to increase the perception of hop flavor compounds in beer. The primary salt used to Burtonize water; Burton water is famous for producing the worlds classic pale ales, such as Bass.

Used in winemaking to lower the pH of the must. As calcium sulfate is not removed from water by boiling, when present, it is referred to as permanent hardness.

Usage varies depending upon your exact water profile. Additions can range significantly based off your water source.

Typical usage for many tap waters: 1-2 tsp. per 5 gallons

Chemical name: Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4)

Used in beer making as a water treatment. Gypsum increases hardness and lowers pH. Its use is known to increase the perception of hop flavor compounds in beer. The primary salt used to Burtonize water; Burton water is famous for producing the worlds classic pale ales, such as Bass.

Used in winemaking to lower the pH of the must. As calcium sulfate is not removed from water by boiling, when present, it is referred to as permanent hardness.

Usage varies depending upon your exact water profile. Additions can range significantly based off your water source.

Typical usage for many tap waters: 1-2 tsp. per 5 gallons

Calcium sulfate (hydrated) aka gypsum is used to correct mineral deficiencies in water which is to be used for brewing. It is used in de-mineralized or soft to medium hard water to increase permanent hardness. Calcium Sulfate is effective in eliminating the variations in composition often encountered in water from surface sources. It will help establish proper pH of the mash and the wort and provide sufficient calcium ions essential for enzyme function, kettle protein coagulation and yeast metabolism.

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