
Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) is a kilned lager-style malt made from quality, two-row, German spring barley. It creates medium-full bodied, golden colored, smooth clean tasting beers. The Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) shows excellent characteristics for ales, lagers, and German-style ales ("Kölsch"). It imparts malty-sweet notes to finished beer. Also, gentle notes of honey come through when using this malt.

Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Ideal for brewing pale gold-colored beers with a medium-light body. Sensory: malty-sweet, light honey and biscuit notes Special brewing malt for light-colored beers, typically for:

  • Pale Lager; American Light Lager, International Pale Lager, German Light Beer, Japanese Lager, Mexican Lager,

  • Pilsener; Pilsener, American Pilsener and International Pilsener

  • Pale Ale; American Cream Ale, British Golden Ale, Koelsch-style beer

  • Strong Ale; Belgian Golden Strong Ale

  • Bock; Helles Bock

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Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) is a kilned lager-style malt made from quality, two-row, German spring barley. It creates medium-full bodied, golden colored, smooth clean tasting beers. The Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) shows excellent characteristics for ales, lagers, and German-style ales ("Kölsch"). It imparts malty-sweet notes to finished beer. Also, gentle notes of honey come through when using this malt.

Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Ideal for brewing pale gold-colored beers with a medium-light body. Sensory: malty-sweet, light honey and biscuit notes Special brewing malt for light-colored beers, typically for:

  • Pale Lager; American Light Lager, International Pale Lager, German Light Beer, Japanese Lager, Mexican Lager,

  • Pilsener; Pilsener, American Pilsener and International Pilsener

  • Pale Ale; American Cream Ale, British Golden Ale, Koelsch-style beer

  • Strong Ale; Belgian Golden Strong Ale

  • Bock; Helles Bock

Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) is a kilned lager-style malt made from quality, two-row, German spring barley. It creates medium-full bodied, golden colored, smooth clean tasting beers. The Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) shows excellent characteristics for ales, lagers, and German-style ales ("Kölsch"). It imparts malty-sweet notes to finished beer. Also, gentle notes of honey come through when using this malt.

Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Ideal for brewing pale gold-colored beers with a medium-light body. Sensory: malty-sweet, light honey and biscuit notes Special brewing malt for light-colored beers, typically for:

  • Pale Lager; American Light Lager, International Pale Lager, German Light Beer, Japanese Lager, Mexican Lager,

  • Pilsener; Pilsener, American Pilsener and International Pilsener

  • Pale Ale; American Cream Ale, British Golden Ale, Koelsch-style beer

  • Strong Ale; Belgian Golden Strong Ale

  • Bock; Helles Bock



Weyermann® Floor-Malted Bohemian Wheat
Weyermann® CARAHELL®
Weyermann® Munich Type 2 (Formerly Dark Munich)
Weyermann® Roasted Barley