Weyermann® Oak Smoked Wheat


Part of Weyermann's line of Terrior malts, Oak-Smoked Wheat malt is specifically designed for traditional northeastern European wheat ales. It's fine oak smoke aroma and taste are thus most suited to Grodziskie (Grätzer beer) and similar styles. But the oak smoked flavor is an interesting substitute for cherry, beech, or peat smoked malts in any smoked beer, or an interesting addition to any wheat beer or ale.

Sensory: finest cigars smoke aroma, light toffee-and biscuit notes.

Smoke malt for light and dark beer styles, typically for:

Wheat Beer; Weissbier, Dark wheat, Wheat bock, Gueuze, Fruit Lambic, Bamberg Weisse Smoked beer, Lichtenhainer, Piwo Grodziskie
Strong Ale; Wheat Wine
Specialty beers; Classic Style Smoked beer and Specialty Smoked beer

Recommended addition: up to 80%

Enzyme activity: high

4.0 – 6.0 EBC
2.0- 2.7 Lovibond

Made from the finest German quality wheat. The oak smoke gives this malt its unique elegant aroma.

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Part of Weyermann's line of Terrior malts, Oak-Smoked Wheat malt is specifically designed for traditional northeastern European wheat ales. It's fine oak smoke aroma and taste are thus most suited to Grodziskie (Grätzer beer) and similar styles. But the oak smoked flavor is an interesting substitute for cherry, beech, or peat smoked malts in any smoked beer, or an interesting addition to any wheat beer or ale.

Sensory: finest cigars smoke aroma, light toffee-and biscuit notes.

Smoke malt for light and dark beer styles, typically for:

Wheat Beer; Weissbier, Dark wheat, Wheat bock, Gueuze, Fruit Lambic, Bamberg Weisse Smoked beer, Lichtenhainer, Piwo Grodziskie
Strong Ale; Wheat Wine
Specialty beers; Classic Style Smoked beer and Specialty Smoked beer

Recommended addition: up to 80%

Enzyme activity: high

4.0 – 6.0 EBC
2.0- 2.7 Lovibond

Made from the finest German quality wheat. The oak smoke gives this malt its unique elegant aroma.

Part of Weyermann's line of Terrior malts, Oak-Smoked Wheat malt is specifically designed for traditional northeastern European wheat ales. It's fine oak smoke aroma and taste are thus most suited to Grodziskie (Grätzer beer) and similar styles. But the oak smoked flavor is an interesting substitute for cherry, beech, or peat smoked malts in any smoked beer, or an interesting addition to any wheat beer or ale.

Sensory: finest cigars smoke aroma, light toffee-and biscuit notes.

Smoke malt for light and dark beer styles, typically for:

Wheat Beer; Weissbier, Dark wheat, Wheat bock, Gueuze, Fruit Lambic, Bamberg Weisse Smoked beer, Lichtenhainer, Piwo Grodziskie
Strong Ale; Wheat Wine
Specialty beers; Classic Style Smoked beer and Specialty Smoked beer

Recommended addition: up to 80%

Enzyme activity: high

4.0 – 6.0 EBC
2.0- 2.7 Lovibond

Made from the finest German quality wheat. The oak smoke gives this malt its unique elegant aroma.

Oak Smoked Wheat Malt Aroma Wheel

Oak Smoked Wheat Malt Color Scale

Weyermann® Barke® Pilsner Malt
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Weyermann® CARAMUNICH® Type 3
Weyermann® Munich Type 1 (Formerly Light Munich)
Weyermann® Pale Wheat