Weyermann® Special W®


Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Our special caramelization process achieves a complete transformation within the grain. This dark brown malt offers the most complex aroma spectrum of all Weyermann® caramel malts.

Sensory: notes of raisins, dark caramel, pronounced aromas of nuts, pastries and bread.

Special malt for dark, malt-forward beer styles, universally applicable, especially for:

  • Amber Lager

  • Dark Lager

  • Pale Ale: Saison

  • IPA: Brown IPA, Black Ale, Black IPA

  • Amber Ale: Belgian Dubbel

  • Brown Ale: Dark Mild, British Brown Ale, London Brown Ale

  • Strong Ale: British Strong Ale, Old Ale, English Barley Wine, Belgian Dark Strong Ale or Quadrupel, Imperial Red Ale

  • Porter: English Porter, American Porter, Brown Porter, Robust Porter, Imperial Porter

  • Stout: Oatmeal Stout, Foreign Extra Stout, American Stout, Russian Imperial Stout

  • Sour Ale: Flanders Red Ale, Oud Bruin

  • Wood & Barrel aged beers

Recommended addition: up to 30%

Enzyme activity: none

Weyermann® Special W® imparts strong raisin, dark fruit and bready flavor, and can be used in wide range of Belgian beer styles, as well as other styles looking to add hints of dark fruit.

  • Color °Lovibond: 106-121.1

  • Extract FG Min: 73

  • Moisture % Max: 6.5

  • Usage Rate: Up to 30%

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Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Our special caramelization process achieves a complete transformation within the grain. This dark brown malt offers the most complex aroma spectrum of all Weyermann® caramel malts.

Sensory: notes of raisins, dark caramel, pronounced aromas of nuts, pastries and bread.

Special malt for dark, malt-forward beer styles, universally applicable, especially for:

  • Amber Lager

  • Dark Lager

  • Pale Ale: Saison

  • IPA: Brown IPA, Black Ale, Black IPA

  • Amber Ale: Belgian Dubbel

  • Brown Ale: Dark Mild, British Brown Ale, London Brown Ale

  • Strong Ale: British Strong Ale, Old Ale, English Barley Wine, Belgian Dark Strong Ale or Quadrupel, Imperial Red Ale

  • Porter: English Porter, American Porter, Brown Porter, Robust Porter, Imperial Porter

  • Stout: Oatmeal Stout, Foreign Extra Stout, American Stout, Russian Imperial Stout

  • Sour Ale: Flanders Red Ale, Oud Bruin

  • Wood & Barrel aged beers

Recommended addition: up to 30%

Enzyme activity: none

Weyermann® Special W® imparts strong raisin, dark fruit and bready flavor, and can be used in wide range of Belgian beer styles, as well as other styles looking to add hints of dark fruit.

  • Color °Lovibond: 106-121.1

  • Extract FG Min: 73

  • Moisture % Max: 6.5

  • Usage Rate: Up to 30%

Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Our special caramelization process achieves a complete transformation within the grain. This dark brown malt offers the most complex aroma spectrum of all Weyermann® caramel malts.

Sensory: notes of raisins, dark caramel, pronounced aromas of nuts, pastries and bread.

Special malt for dark, malt-forward beer styles, universally applicable, especially for:

  • Amber Lager

  • Dark Lager

  • Pale Ale: Saison

  • IPA: Brown IPA, Black Ale, Black IPA

  • Amber Ale: Belgian Dubbel

  • Brown Ale: Dark Mild, British Brown Ale, London Brown Ale

  • Strong Ale: British Strong Ale, Old Ale, English Barley Wine, Belgian Dark Strong Ale or Quadrupel, Imperial Red Ale

  • Porter: English Porter, American Porter, Brown Porter, Robust Porter, Imperial Porter

  • Stout: Oatmeal Stout, Foreign Extra Stout, American Stout, Russian Imperial Stout

  • Sour Ale: Flanders Red Ale, Oud Bruin

  • Wood & Barrel aged beers

Recommended addition: up to 30%

Enzyme activity: none

Weyermann® Special W® imparts strong raisin, dark fruit and bready flavor, and can be used in wide range of Belgian beer styles, as well as other styles looking to add hints of dark fruit.

  • Color °Lovibond: 106-121.1

  • Extract FG Min: 73

  • Moisture % Max: 6.5

  • Usage Rate: Up to 30%

Special W® Aroma Wheel

Special W® Color Scale

Weyermann® Abbey Malt® (BISCUIT MALT)
Weyermann® Floor-Malted Bohemian Pilsner
Weyermann® Barke® Pilsner Malt
Weyermann® CARAFA® Special Type 2 (dehusked)